What assistance does Status provide through Disability Employment Services?

Through Status you will have access to individually tailored and comprehensive services that meet your needs, including vocational guidance, training, work experience and other interventions to help you obtain and maintain suitable employment.

Status will work with you every step of the way by getting to know you and your individual circumstances.

Status works with local employers, Registered Training Organisations, state, territory and local governments, community and health services, and other organisations to ensure a holistic approach in meeting your employment goals.

We know where the jobs are and how to help you secure employment. You will have greater access to training, skills development, work experience and other initiatives.

Once placed in a job, Status will continue to support you for at least 52 weeks. If you need further support after this, we will be able to help you for as long as you need.

Having the right plan to find the right job

Status will work with you to develop a Job Plan that meets your individual needs. This will set out the services and assistance you will receive to help you find and stay in a job.

At your first appointment you will meet with a consultant who will tailor a Job Plan for you that may include:

  • gaining new skills and qualifications
  • accessing work experience opportunities
  • help to manage your disability and other medical or health interventions
  • overcoming and managing other barriers to employment.

Connecting you with Australian employers

Status works closely with employers to identify employment opportunities in industries where skills are in demand.

We offer a range of free services to employers of people with disability, injury or health condition including:

  • professional recruitment advice and job matching
  • help with job design for employees with disability
  • on-the-job or off-site support to ensure new employees with disability settle into their job
  • ongoing support for as long as it is required, for employees and employers who require support to maintain their employment
  • training information and awareness activities for employers and staff

Status can also help employers access a range of other financial support and incentives, such as workplace modifications, assistive technology, mental health first aid training and disability and deafness awareness training, Auslan interpreting and wage subsidies.

How long will I receive Disability Employment Services from Status?

Normally you will receive Disability Employment Services for at least 78 weeks, or until you have gained employment (that meets Centrelink guidelines) and been in the job for at least 52 weeks.

If you are not in employment, at 78 weeks a review takes place and you may receive a further 26 weeks assistance or be referred to a Job Capacity Assessment to determine if a different employment program may be more suited to you.

Should you require further assistance after you have been in employment for 52 weeks this will be provided depending on your individual needs. and If no further support is required, you will exit from our services.

What if my health condition changes?

If your health or level of disability changes, we may refer you for a Job Capacity Assessment to assist determine your work capacity. In some cases this may result in you being transferred to a different employment program, in which case you will be transferred to a new provider and exited from Status.

Centrelink have classified me as a volunteer, do I still have to participate?

If you are a volunteer and are eligible, Status will provide you with an individualised employment service to assist you into employment. If you are having difficulty participating, just tell us as we may still be able to assist, and If you don’t wish to participate in Disability Employment Services, please tell us and we will exit you from our services. Again, if you are a volunteer and you do not attend scheduled meetings with us and we cannot contact you, we may exit you.